Finlay Langelaan
The second best squash player in Squash Co, Finlay (he/him) is a jack-of-all-trades (master of none). He brings experience with building ridiculous things, electrocuting himself, writing barely-appropriate comedies, and being generally over confident. He has also on occasion been paid to lie to people, which is apparently called 'acting'.
Finlay completed a Bachelor of Arts in theatre, philosophy, and creative writing in 2020, and managed an entire year of being a professional creative before starting work as a labourer. He fully intends to finish a novel eventually, which he's been saying for years, and is often found trying to convince himself that running a homebrew D&D campaign counts as 'writing research'. Finlays most notable achievement so far is being the inspiration for the Squash Co logo.
While not acting in, writing, directing, designing for, or otherwise ruining a perfectly good piece of theatre, Finlay enjoys LEGO, fiddling with his perpetually broken motorbike, and contemplating how much fun the apocalypse would be.
Notable Works
Set and lighting designer - Music Sounds Better Out Here - Squash Co. Arts Collective - Wellington Fringe 2022
Voice actor and puppeteer - Wonderland Glow Show - Little Green Man Productions - Touring July-October 2021
Lead Actor - Whaddarya?! - Young and Hungry Arts Collective - Touring April-June 2021
Writer and director - Cuffs, Stockings and Two Smokin' Barrels - Squash Co. Arts Collective - March 2021
Lead Actor - Romeo and Juliet - Three Bridges Productions - Touring January 2020